Partnering Platform for Solution Providers

Solution providers are encouraged to partner with other companies in order to provide an optimal solution for the Lot(s) of interest. This platform provides potential Solution Providers with an opportunity to present their partnering requirements and identify suitable partners.

Please complete the form using the link below in order to provide us with your partnering needs. Short presentations or recordings can also be submitted.

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Download the table here (updated 15th Dec. 2021)

Company NamePROVIDING solution for Lot No.SEEKING solution for Lot No.Short description of your proposed solutionShort description of your partnering needsContact Person/EmailPresentation and/or recording
AccuGenomicsLot 1Lots 1,2,3AccuGenomics designs and manufactures internal standards (IS) to be biochemically identical to the native target (NT) sequence, so these controls allow for the precise and accurate determination of the Limit of Blank (LOB) for each target region and for each sample, which allows for elimination of false positive (FP) calls and a marked reduction of false negative (FN) calls due to enabling more aggressive VAF, even at a lower LOD. Additional use cases of our IS include accurate determination of low VAF, CNV’s, ability to calculate ctDNA/ml plasma, transcript abundance measurements, and fusions detection and analysis.We wish to submit and/or partner (Lot 1) with a provider who has strengths in nucleic acid extraction / library prep kits and solutions whose performance would benefit from the use and integration of internal spike in standards. Also interested in partnering with NGS labs seeking to push the limits of detection of their systems by improving sensitivity by 3-5 fold without sacrificing specificity. AccuGenomics spike in controls will be used as part of Lot 2 (Seq), and Lot 3 (bioinformatics analysis); we would be pleased to partner and support other suppliers submitting in these Lots.Daniel Dilks
AccuGenomics slides
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbHLot 1(Targeted) DNA methylation sequencing, short NAs, exosomes, preanalytics, Library prepTarget enrichment companies, sequencing solution providersChrista Noehammer
AIT slides
Azenta Life SciencesLots 1 and 2Lots 3 and 4Azenta Life Sciences is a CLIA-certified, CAP accredited facility with proven competencies in a range of capabilities including automated sample processing, genomic services, and data/analytical services. We have succesfully processed over 100 sample types including complex, novel, and less-than-ideal samples (i.e. plasma/serum, ccfDNA from blood, urine, FFPE tissue). Azenta can provide solutions for Lots 1 & 2 inclusive of sample handling and processing for the different types of adult and pediatric tumor specimens. Our capabilities include, but are not limited to, automated and semi-automated RNA/DNA extraction & NGS library preparation of challenging clinical samples, targeted enrichment (hybridization capture and amplicon sequencing). We are seeking partners for bioinformatics analysis solutions requiring quality control material for analytical validation/verification and CE-IVD readiness of the platform.While we do have bioinformatic pipelines for WES/WGS and targeted sequencing, we are seeking a suitable EU-based partner for Lots 3 & 4 with expertise in clinical decision support: • Development of common guidelines on implementing NGS in oncology practice at the data interpretation level (detection of variant, classification, interpretation and reporting) • Solutions for variant annotation and clinical interpretation that cover relevant pharmacogenomic variants of actionable variant genes. • Generation of final clinical reportBaursha Khan; Baursha.khan@azenta.comAzenta slides
Bahia SoftwareLot 4Lots 1,2,3Bahia Software has significant experience developing software platforms for hospitals and research organizations. Bahia Software proprietary platform for Tumour Boards is currently in several Spanish hospitals and the company is working on R&D projects to facilitate reporting solutions from Liquid Biopsy analysis. Bahia Software may also contribute with its knowledge and successful experience in previous European PCP projects. No specific partnering needs. Very open to collaborate with organizations more interested in Lots 1, 2 and 3Sergio Gomez
Bahia slides
BC PlatformsLot 4Modular Genomic Data management and -Analysis solution for automation of Genomic data production from Raw data to actionable report. Integration of various secondary analysis pipelines, QC and variant interpretation/reporting tools from partners.Partners for secondary analysis, QC, variant interpretation and actionable reporting are welcomed. BC Platforms provide the ovarall workflow from raw data to these integrated reports in a CE-IVDR solution established on the market. Open for customization and integration to our modular offering.Henrik Plym-Forshell
Contignant Technologies SLLots 3 and 4Lots 1,2,3,4We have developed a software for de novo genome assembly. We have made some tests applying it to transcriptomes and we see it having some differential properties that make it at least an useful complementary tool for assembling transcriptomes. We find transcripts that are not found by other software and sometimes our transcripts are larger and with fewer misassemblies. For now, we have verified that used in combination with other assemblers we get transcriptomes with higher quality than the state of the art, but we are yet improving our software and like it has already happened in some previous omics technologies for which we applied it, we expect to achieve better results considering all metrics at the end, with the only trade-off of requiring some additional computational resources. These additional resources can be compensated, not only by better results, but maybe also by lowering the sequencing costs by downgrading the requirements for the sequencing step.We only can provide bioinformatics services. We need other partners to make a proposal for the other requirements. We can be a small part of any already formed proposal, through subcontracting for testing our software or be part of a more ambitious proposal for including R&D of our software to adapt it to the specific needs of the project.Juanjo Bermúdez; jbp@contignant.comContignant slides
DNVLot 4Risk mitigation and quality assuranceLooking to partner with providers of analysis software, reagents, sequencers etc. to ensure pipelines, computing infrastructure etc. is implemented safely and responsibly.Courtney Nadeau
DNV slides
EuformaticsLot 3Clinical NGS variant interpretation and quality control softwareSecondary analysis, kit providers, sequencer manufacturersTommi Kaasalainen
Euformatics slides
fragmentiX Storage Solutions GmbHLot 3Trusted data environment by using SECRET SHARING with fragmentiX CLUSTER appliancesLooking for partners, resellers, customersWerner Strasser
fragmentiX slides
Geneyx Genomex LtdLot 3An AI-driven platform enables accurate analysis and interpretation of Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) data. Produces rapid diagnosis at the highest diagnostics yields: >65%. Automated Phenotype – Genotype association – connecting disease symptoms to causal genes. The impact: Faster and better clinical diagnosis and distilling novel findings for targeted and personalized therapeutics.We may want to partner with more clinical genetic databasesRaviv ITZHAKY
Geneyx slides
Genuity ScienceLot 1,2,3,4Lot 1,2,3,4Genuity Science is a CAP accredited genomics facility and has  proven competencies in a range of capabilities including sample handling and processing (blood, saliva, tissue and tissue blocks) for genomic WGS analysis. Our organisation has automated and semi-automated bioinformatic pipelines for generation of a variety of reports. We have an end to end integrated genomic lab service delivery platform.We are seeking partners potentially in the area of pre-analytics and library prep and also in the area of integrated reporting. We have the ability and desire to partner across all lots. We have a strong sample handling, NGS and bioinformatic delivery platform already established but would be keen to partner up to bring innovation not only to the project but also into our facility through collaboration. The area of least development for us is around the clinical decision support.David Kavanagh
Please enquire for slides
HTG Molecular DiagnosticsLot 1,2,4Extraction-free Transcriptome and RNA-Panel Library Prep and Data Analysis SolutionWe are interested in partnering with Lot 2 and Lot 4 providers and also with QC control providers in Lot1. Looking forward to a great partnership!Selina Gaertner
HTG slides
iCellate MedicalLot 4End-to–end cancer NGS solution with strict adherence to clinical guidelines in ISO15189 accredited laboratory based on innovative sample types and analysesUniversity clinic with cancer patient management ready to merge Multidisciplinary Cancer Conference (MCC) with Molecular Tumor Board (MTB) to provide integrated management decision supportChrister Ericsson
iCellate slides
Integrated DNA TechnologiesLot 1Lot 1We offer highly innovative solutions for NGS library preparation (DNA/RNA) of challenging clinical samples, targeted enrichment (hybridization capture and amplicon sequencing) and normalization. We are also partnering with suppliers for extraction of nucleic acids and automation.We are looking for providers of products in areas: pre-analytics (collection, storage and transport of specimen), QC of nucleic acids (assessment of amount, purity, integrity, fragment size distribution of NA and tumor content), QC of library prepped DNA (quantification and size distribution) and reference materials.K. Julia Duda
IDT slides
LGC SeracareLot 1Multiplexed biosynthetic reference materials in gDNA/RNA, FFPE and ctDNA format, including custom solutions and imuno-oncologyWe would like to partner with a provider of nucleic acid extraction, library prep and target enrichment solutions requiring reference materials for analytical validation and CE-IVD readiness of the platform.Krystyna Nahlik
LGC slides
Maxeler TechnologiesLot 3,4Fast and efficient processing of sequencing data, explainable AI for drug selection, integrated in secure data analysis and collaboration platform.Partners in Lot 3 & 4 that are in need for accelerated sequence alignment algorithms, improved AI-based decision making for drug selection, or a platform for secure data sharing, analysis and dashboarding.Tobias Becker
Maxeler slides
MicronomaLot 4Microbiome Aware Liquid BiopsyWe would like to partner with company specialized in reporting results to patients and clinicians.Sandrine Miller-Montgomery
Micronoma slides
Molecular HealthLot 4Molecular Health GmbH is looking to partner with diagnostic laboratories reporting to physicians or clinical tumor boards running molecular diagnostics. We can improve your NGS analysis workflow and report generation. Our product MH Guide is registered as medical device and IVD(R) and therefore supports high quality reporting of genetic analysis and improves the variant annotation workflow and clinical interpretation. Subsequently, MH Guide can help to upscale your case flow and unburdens the bioinformatics pipeline.Open for collaboration in LOT4: looking for partners to integrate our service (tertiary interpretation software) into MTB’sKatrin Stecker
Molecular Health slides
New England BiolabsLot 1Lot 1Integrated library prep and target enrichment for high-sensitivity variant callingNucleic acid extraction and analytical QC providers, plus downstream bioinformatics/variant calling.Andrew Barry
NEB slides
Nostos Genomics GmbHLot 3 and 4Lot 3Analyzing data to find disease-causing mutations in DNA is a crucial step in genetic testing. Our AI-based platform AION automates the process of variant interpretation to reduce cost, time, and other constraints associated with this process while improving quality. To do this, we use machine learning algorithms that can analyze variants with high accuracy while providing insights into the reasoning process.Interested in partnering with providers that focus on secondary analysis / bioinformatics.Ansgar Lange
Oncodia ABLots 1 and 3Lots 2 and 4We provide CE/IVD medical device software for high precision secondary analysis of somatic mutations in cancer in addition to CE/IVD kits and software for automated DNA/RNA isolation and purification.Open to collaborations with partners providing sequencing library preparation, target enrichment technologies, as well as solutions for variant annotation and clinical interpretation.Ivaylo Stoimenov (CEO)
Oncompass MedicineLot 4Multiparameter-based digital drug-assignment for treatment planning in precision oncology.Partnering preferred with an ESCAT- or other single biomarker-based reporting solution, which represents the standard-of-care in reporting. This could be complemented with the innovative multiparametric digital solution of Oncompass Medicine.Barbara Vodicska on behalf of Istvan Petak
Oncompass slides
Parean BiotechnologiesLots 1, 3 and 4Lot 2Parean Biotechnologies is a fully integrated platform, dedicated to develop new biomarkers, with strong expertise on deep immune phenotyping.
Our wet lab, located in Saint-Malo (France), proposes biobanking, cell labelling & sorting, RNA extraction and library preparation. We work both in bulk or single cell setup
Our Datascience Unit takes overs the NGS data generated by us or partner, and run bio-informatics and biostatistics, supervised or unsupervised/exploratory analysis, on any clinical and omics data.
Agile Sequencing servicesMarwan TOUATI
PerkinElmerLots 1 and 2Lots 3 and 4PerkinElmer’s optimized, automated solutions are designed to improve the efficiency of your genomic workflows. Automated workflow solutions RNA/DNA isolation, NGS sample prep/ liquid handling instruments. PerkinElmer provides a complete portfolio of NGS library preparation kits and barcodes designed to increase the sensitivity, flexibility, and speed of library prep for the Illumina® and Ion Torrent™ sequencing platforms from targeted sequencing to WES/WGS applications. We can also provide NGS services from Sample prep to Bioinformatic analysis/interpretation as a service.We are looking for a partner who can integrate their bioinformatic solution into the reporting system to have a complete end-to-end solution. Dr J. Raul Gonzalez
PGDxLots 1, 2 and 3Lots 1, 2 and 4PGDx portfolio offers best-in-class sample-to-report analysis of NGS data in the Oncology Precision Medicine market. The assays are based around an all-in-one solution, with an easy & automatable protocol, able to generate a final report by using our proprietary AI bioinformatic platform and via a local deployed server.
Indeed, we provide a selected number of NGS tests, for tissue and plasma samples, from 33 to >500 genes. All assays are complete E2E solutions compatible with Illumina instruments.
PGDx has developed the first NGS comprehensive genomic profiling assay which has been both FDA cleared and CE marked.
With an agnostic approach on generation of final clinical report, we are looking for a partnership in this space (Lot 4). Interested also around the lot 1 on the pre-analytics side. On lot 3 our technologies use Illumina platform.Patrick Hollender
Phenosystems SALot 3Lot 3We have developed GensearchNGS, a GUI based integrated NGS data analysis software from FastQ alignment to technical reports about variants and patient centric database. This software is commercialized and used in European diagnostics laboratories. The software runs on Desktops as well as server installations.Data storage, integrating clinical data, connection to EHR systemsDavid Atlan
Phenosystems slides
RocheLot 4Robert Bulte
Roche slides
Roche DiagnosticsLot 4Navify Mutation Profiler – a clinical decision support toolseamless integration of decision support tools & molecular tumor boards in a routine diagnostic processGerrit Schramm
Roche slides (2)
SaphetorLots 3 and 4Lots 1 and 2
Saphetor’s suite of services offers clinicians intuitive, data-driven solutions to make faster, more accurate diagnoses, and informed decisions for the selection of the best therapies, especially for cancer and difficult to diagnose conditions, such as rare diseases or cognitive impairment.Aljosa Zavisic
Semmelweis UniversityLot 4Miklos Garami
SensID GmbHLots 1,2,3Lots 1,2,3Multiplexed biosynthetic quality control materials in gDNA/RNA, FFPE and ctDNA as well as ctDNA in plasma format, including custom solutions.We would like to partner with a provider of nucleic acid extraction, library prep and target enrichment solutions as well as sequencing and/or bioinformatics analysis solution requiring quality control material for analytical validation/verification and CE-IVD readiness of the platform.Björn Nowack
SensID slides
SeqOneLot 3Lot 2SeqOne, a bioinformatics company based in Montpellier, develops cutting edge genomic analysis tools for NGS data interpretation for the diagnosis of constitutional, hereditary diseases and somatic diseases in the context of personalised medicine.
The platform offers the following key features:
– State-of-the-art bioinformatics capable of identifying all relevant variants, including challenging variants traditional bioinformatic tools struggle to isolate,
– An end-to-end solution that covers the full analysis from FastQ file to final clinical report minimising human intervention to reduce turnaround time and manual inputs,
– A catalog of bioinformatic applications each designed for a specific medical need and capable of addressing both somatic and constitutional requirements
– Built-in quality control and certification support tools that ensure the quality and accuracy of your results while simplifying the lab certification process, and
– An easy-to-use interpretation interface that simplifies the task of biologists interpreting the data while giving them all the information they need to validate interpretations with confidence.
As IT company and based on our expertises & strategic road map, we can cover the lot 3 and 4 of this “INtegrated and STANDardized NGS workflows FOR Personalized therapy” project:
• Development of common guidelines on implementing NGS in oncology practice at the data interpretation level (detection of variant, classification, interpretation and reporting)
• Development of common protocols for data-sharing
• Development of tools for interactive-Consults (molecular tumor boards)
• Real time information of approved drug & clinical trial
• Develop patient- matching tool …

Further we are looking to find partner that can answer the requirements of lot 2
Jean Marc Holder
SeqOne slides
Svastia GeneticsLots 3 and 4Lots 1 and 2SVASTIA is a digital platform to improve cancer therapy outcomes through personalized immuno-genetic screening. Svastia offers genome-based clinical reports for cancer treatment selection, response assessment, and clinical trial matching. CLINICAL REPORTING SOFTWARE – From raw genomic data, Svastia offers end-to-end data processing for mutation detection, analysis, and clinical report generation – Applicable to multiple cancer therapy regimes – Tiered system of reporting gene mutations along with secondary biomarkers such as the Tumour Mutational Burden, Microsatellite Instability, Mutational (mutagen) signatures, etc. – Support for pan-cancer gene panels from Agilent, Illumina, ArcherDx, etc. – Genome-based clinical reports based on ESMO, ACMG, ASCO, NICE (NHS-UK) guidelines, international standards – Optional: T-cell receptor sequencing based immune response scoring PATIENT BENEFITS – Select the right cancer therapy – Predict safety risks and drug hypersensitivity – Assess treatment response (multiple tests) and relapse – Match patients with clinical trials (automated matching based on clinical-genetic and logistic parameters) CLINICIAN BENEFITS – Review mutations/clinical relevance before report generation – Match with ongoing clinical trials – Generate report yourself or with our support. Svastia’s clinical reporting has been developed by scientists/clinicians and business professionals, who have contributed to thousands of patients’ genome analysis/clinical reporting.We would like to partner with the following for the Lots 1 and 2: – Diagnostic labs with in-house DNA sequencing facilities – Sequencing service providers in European countries in the tender – Gene panel library manufacturers – Cloud/data service providers that would like to use our platform for bioinformatics and clinical reporting We could provide a service for all the lots, together as partners. If you like to partner with us for anything other than the above, please feel free to get in touch.Parthiban Vijayarangakannan; parthiban@svastia.aiSvastia slides
University Medical Center GroningenLot 4not a solution provider, but end userAcademic partner for validation of tools for variant interpretation and reporting, and interaction between MTBsLeon van Kempen
UMCG slides