The Instand-NGS4P Kick-off meeting took place at the Medical University of Graz in Austria from the 30.-31. January 2020. More than 60 experts on Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) also attended the Satellite Workshop “NGS for Personalized Medicine”. a public workshop providing background information on this 4.5 year project, and featuring presentations on the current scientific and medical research work of the project partners.
The Kick-Off itself began, after a brief welcome by Caroline Schober-Trummler, Vice Rector for Research and International Affairs, with a presentation on the PCP process by the EU project officer Jean-Luc Sanne. Representatives from the seven leading medical centre project partners who form the “Buyers Group”, as well as the other eleven partners, then presented their approaches towards achieving the project´s aim of two fully integrated, standardized next-generation sequencing (NGS) workflows for routine diagnostics of common and rare juvenile and adult cancers.