Virtual Open Market Consultation event attracts widespread interest
The 2-day virtual Open Market Consultation event held on the 22nd and 23rd March 2021 attracted a large amount of interest and was attended by up to 178 registrants from 31 countries.
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Participants included stakeholders from industry (the biotech, bioinformatics and pharmaceutical industries were well represented), and representatives from government, the health sector and patient groups, as well as academic and research institutions. The majority of registrants indicated an interest in responding to the Call for Tenders.
The presentations on the project overall, clinical and patient needs, and the 4 lots, were followed in each case by stimulating questions from the audience and interesting and highly valuable discussions between the consortium members and stakeholders.
The substantial input from this 2 day event will aid in the finalisation of a questionnaire which will subsequently be available on the website, to give stakeholders the opportunity to provide detailed specification information in preparation for the Call for Tenders in September.